Curriculum vitae

Birth date / town 1960/02/10 in Berlin
Religion: Evangelic
Marital status: Married
1966 - 1972 Grundschule am Schäfersee in Berlin
1972 - 1978 Humboldt-Gymnasium in Berlin
1978 Abitur
Academic studies  
1978 - 1984 University studies at the TU-Berlin diploma study course chemistry
1984 - 1990 University studies at the TU-Berlin teaching degree for secondary schools chemistry / physic
1990 Student withdrawal
1978 - 1981 Driver at Spedition Ursula Eichen in Berlin
1981 - 1982 Warehouseman at V.V. Vertriebs-Vereinigung in Berlin
1982 - 1987 Department manager at V.V. Vertriebs-Vereinigung
1999 - 2000 Employee at BB-Kurier Winfried Kräuter, Friedrich Kühn, Swen Hörner GbR in Brandenburg
2000 Employee and driver at Kurier 2000, Bodo Müller & Swen Hörner GbR in Sehnde
2001 - 2002 IT-consultant at garian Software Consulting in Braunschweig
2003 ASP-Project at LSA Logistik & Service Agentur GmbH & Co.KG in Braunschweig
2003 ASP, ASP.NET-Project and Win2000 server installation / administration at Orient Handel Jan & Peer Zboralski GbR in Braunschweig
2004 IT-consultantat garian GmbH in Braunschweig
2005 System analyst at gedas Deutschland GmbH
2006 Senior system analyst at operational services GmbH Co.KG
2021 Senior consultant at operational services GmbH Co.KG
1988 - 1999 Software Service Olaf Blum - soft- & hardware, development and markting
1989 - 1990 Soft Arts Olaf Blum, Michélle Frey, Peter Sturm GbR - software for musicans, development and markting
1997 - 1999 BB-Kurier Martin Bidder, Olaf Blum, Winfried Kräuter, Ralf Schikowski GbR - courier service in Brandenburg
IT skills see Profil
Languages German (nativ) - english