12 years self employement
- 1987 foundation of Software Service Olaf Blum, later enhanced with a courier service
- Software development software for several synthesizers on Atari ST
- Development and marketing of database applications
- Webhosting and webdesign
- Design, configuration and administration of networks
- Courier service in Berlin, europewide direct courier services, line haul
- 1988 - 1990 foundation of Soft Arts Olaf Blum, Michélle Frey, Peter Sturm GbR
- Software development software for several synthesizers on Atari ST
- 1997 foundation of Firma BB Kurier Martin Bidder, Olaf Blum, Winfried Kräuter, Ralf Schikowski GbR
- national and international on time courier services (overnight), clearing goods for exportation, direct courier services, line haul, system courier services in different logistic systems
- Leader of executiv board